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Academic Rebellion: Looking For Solid Arguments Against Homework

To do homework or not to do homework, that is the question. This is the question that is on students, parents, and even teacher’s minds, whether or not homework is good for students. If you want to get the best argument on the subject, you have to look at both sides of the argument. Some say homework is getting to be too much for kids to hand, while other argue that kids do homework to learn the subject they are covering. Either way, we can all agree that homework sucks, you spend around six to seven hours a day in school and then have to come home and do more schoolwork.

If you want to find some strong arguments against homework, there are a million online. Some done by parent’s magazines, some by organizations, and some by news outlets, there is an abundance of evidence on the subject. There are actually advocates on the subject, Sara Bennett, Nancy Kalish, and Alfie Kohn, it doesn’t matter what article you are reading on the subject because you will find at least one of their names in it. If you are looking for some good arguments against homework, then you should check out some of the articles on these sites.

Where To Find A Solid Argument Against Homework

  • The website Slate has a in depth article called Forget Homework in this article is explains about how giving homework to elementary school kids doesn’t really help them learn the subjects in school.
  • On the Association For Supervision and Curriculum Development website, Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering make a strong argument on homework. In their article The Case For and Against Homework, they show both sides of the argument and give great points.
  • If you are a fan of the magazine Family Circle, then you should check out their article by Alfie Kohn called The Case Against Homework. Kohn has written many articles on the subject against homework and he does make some great valid points that will get you thinking about it.
  • If you are really against homework, then you might want to check out the book written by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish. This book gives the reader an in depth look on homework and how it doesn’t benefit the kids and also how it is bad for them.

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